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Jury of the People for People Gala, XV-th edition, 2019

anca harasim-min2

Anca Harasim

CEO AmCham Romania
Andreea Rosca-min

Andreea Roșca

Initiator of The Vast & The Curious, journalist and co-author of "The Game Changers"
Corina Suteu-min

Corina Şuteu

Founder Of Film
Corina Vasile-min

Corina Vasile

Communication and Public Relations Director of Raiffeisen Bank
Cristina Hanganu-min

Cristina Hanganu

Communication and CSR Director, Lidl Romania
Felix Patrascanu-min

Felix Pătrăşcanu

CEO FAN Courier
Georgiana Pogonaru-min

Georgiana Pogonaru

Founder romcolor2000
Marius Stefan-min

Marius Ştefan

CEO Autonom Rent a Car
Madalina Mark-min

Mădălina Marcu

ARC Resource Development Director
Mihaela Gînju-min

Mihaela Gînju

Founder of Erudio Association
Mihaela Perianu-min

Mihaela Perianu

Managing partner AIMS Romania & Dale Carnegie
Peter Barta-min

Barta Péter

Founder The Long Run
Raluca Ion-min

Raluca Ion

Author Republic
Roxana Vitan-min

Roxana Vitan

President of the Romanian-American Foundation